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  • Writer's pictureMikala Designs

Getting Stuff Done

I try really hard to get stuff done.

I do.

Admittedly, I get sidetracked A LOT OF THE TIME. Does this happen to you too? I start one job or project and then notice that there are some supplies that have been neglected (or never opened) and then I stop what I'm currently doing and move on to something new. There are oodles of started and unfinished things going on in what currently is a dangerous zone to office/create space.

How are some people so good at always GETTING SHIT DONE? Is there a gene that you're born with that just makes you better at it? lol.

I just realized that although I am not as "busy" with paid work this week, there never seems to be enough hours to complete all the things my mind & heart want to see executed.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Laser wood cutout for the shop
E Komo Mai means Welcome in Hawaiian

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