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A b o u t  M e

Let's get personal.

Lettering means so much to me. After leaving my firstborn at college and in the big, wide world, I felt an emptiness. Missing him caused a sadness inside that I hadn't ever felt before.

Besides being a mother to my second son (who fills the other parts of my heart with joy),

I felt like I needed something that was just for me.

I took my first lettering course on the island of Oahu. It was a pointed pen class and I fell in love.

Since then, I've wanted to try all the things! I'm addicted to pens, ink, paints...basically, anything that can be considered an art supply.

I have always been creative and have always loved making things that are beautiful and that make people smile. When someone says, "thank you for making that beautiful for me" is one of the best feelings ever. I love sharing my craft with anyone who wants to learn.

Handlettering is my release. Admittedly, I am an emotional letterer. I letter whenever & wherever the moment hits. You'll often see that I've lettered in the car or at the beach or at breakfast in a restaurant. There are always lettering supplies in my purse...don't leave home without um!

I believe that I'm doing my part to make the world a more beautiful place. Since I started on this journey, I have been fortunate enough to have asked to be a part of some AMAZING things. I have worked on things like Camila Cabello's Guess ad campaign, numerous weddings & events & have partnered with brands & artists that I have long admired.

It may seem insignificant to some, but my craft helps me heal whatever breaks inside & if I can make others happy (Happiness Through Handlettering)  and inspire people in the process...

well, that in itself is worth every single letter.



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